April 2019

Easter is here!

Dear Friends and Congregants,

Spring is replacing winter and we are nearing the end of our Lenten Journey. Holy Week begins in just a few days, with Palm Sunday. Unlike Christmas, there are fewer preparations to make for Easter. Thankfully nature provides most of the decorations, as Spring flowers are already greeting us with their gentle presence. I would like to suggest that preparation for Easter is internal; it is spiritual.

I fondly hope that you will join me and your church family as we gather in prayer and worship during Holy Week. Palm Sunday begins the week with pageantry. But, we know that triumph soon transitions into sadness. On Maundy Thursday we will gather to celebrate and remember the last supper. We will also hear the Gospel account of Jesus’ passion and death. The movement through sorrow to joy is the message of Holy Week. Easter is more fully appreciated as a triumph when seen in this way.

Easter isn’t just about an empty tomb. It is a celebration of the entire life and message of Christ. Easter is also about our transformation…our awakening to seeing the world imbued with the sacred. Easter is knowing and understanding in our heart of hearts that love is the greatest power in the universe.

Happy Easter!
Rev. Gene



The Sunday School needs YOU!

This fall, we are in need of a new teacher (or teachers) to lead our Sunday School class. Ideally, we'd like someone willing to commit to the full school year of September to June, but we can also work with folks willing to take a month or two (or more) at a time. Curriculum materials can be provided by the Christian Education Committee, along with whatever supplies might be needed, and we have several willing substitute teachers to cover the weeks you can't attend.

I'm hoping to line up the new teacher(s) before class breaks for summer in a couple of months, so we can pick out the fall curriculum with the new volunteer(s) in mind. If you're interested, you can see me after church, or send me an email at ninjamonkey73@gmail.com.

Thanks in advance!

Amy Brown
Sunday School Superintendent



Maundy Thursday

A night to reflect on the events that took place on the night before Jesus’ crucifixion.

Often, I’ll hear LRBC choir members mention just how moving the Maundy Thursday service can be, and then go on to say, “It’s too bad so few were here to experience this.”

I know, midweek services can be challenging to attend, but please consider coming to this moving service. The thoughtful music, the Tenebrae, the reflection… I promise you won’t regret it.

The Choir will sing “Awake, Alone in Gethsemane” arranged by Mary McDonald, words by Julie I Myers. This is a choir favorite that incorporates the tune: ABERYSTWYTH and “Moonlight Sonata”

We’ll also sing “Mercy (O Sacred Head)” words and music by Joel Shoemake and Barry French, arranged by Heather Sorenson. Featuring soprano soloist Helena Widmann. This is a new song for the choir which has quickly become another favorite. This piece combines the classic hymn “O Sacred Head, Now Wounded” with the chant Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy.

Jerilyn Cranshaw
Music Minister



Easter Plants

The Easter Plant order forms are due tomorrow April, 15th. Copies of the forms are available in the narthex. If you are unable to attend tomorrows church service, you can email your order to Limerockbc@outlook.com and mail a check maid payable to Lime Rock Baptist Church



Holy Week Schedule

Palm Sunday
Sunday, April 14 at 10am

Maundy Thursday / Tenebrae Service
Thursday, April 18 at 7pm
This will be a solemn candle lit Communion Service remembering the Last Supper and the Passion and Death of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Easter Sunday
Sunday, April 21 at 10am
A festive Easter Sunday Worship Service celebrating the resurrection of Christ.


Pictures from Previous Events


Christmas Pageant


Ruth’s 100th Birthday Party


St. Pat’s Dinner